
Eco-Friendly Practices


Waste Reduction

At Allwell, we minimize food waste by utilizing about 98% of each plant in our packaging. The small portion that isn't edible, including the roots, is responsibly composted, ensuring that nearly every part of the plant is put to good use. This approach not only reduces waste at harvest but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming process.


Space Efficiency

We prioritize space efficiency by maximizing crop yield per square foot through innovative vertical stacking techniques. By growing upwards rather than outwards, we make the most of every inch of space, allowing us to produce a higher volume of crops in a smaller footprint.


90% Less Water Usage

At Allwell, we use 90% less water than
traditional farming methods by employing an efficient closed-loop hydroponic system. This innovative approach recirculates and maximizes water usage, ensuring that every drop is used effectively to nourish our crops while significantly reducing overall water consumption.

Size Doesn’t Matter

In traditional farming, a significant amount of produce goes to waste during harvest due to size standards. At Allwell, we do things differently. We harvest everything that's edible, regardless of size. Our packages reflect this commitment, offering produce in a variety of sizes, from the largest to the smallest. We believe in valuing every product, not discarding it simply because it doesn’t fit conventional standards.

Waste Reduction

At Allwell, we minimize food waste by utilizing about 98% of each vegetable in our packaging. The small portion that isn't edible, including the roots, is responsibly composted, ensuring that nearly every part of the plant is put to good use. This approach not only reduces waste at harvest but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly farming process.

90% Less Water Usage

Over 70 percent of freshwater is used for agriculture globally. At Allwell we use 90% less water than traditional farming methods by employing an efficient closed-loop hydroponic system. This innovative approach recirculates and maximizes water usage, ensuring that every drop is used effectively to nourish our crops while significantly reducing overall water consumption.